Can nonprofit leadership and fundraising be joyful and rewarding?
Why, yes. Yes, it can.
Let Strickland Strategies show you how keeping your clients in the center of the room draws supporters to your mission.
With Strickland Strategies, you gain the knowledge, attitudes and beliefs necessary to build the strong executive and board leadership that raises more support for your mission.
Lisa Breen Strickland is Chief Principal of Strickland Strategies, a consulting firm that specializes in providing comprehensive coaching, executive and fund development strategies to nonprofits. Lisa brings her seven years at the helm of local domestic violence agencies, two years of foundation work, seven years of direct fundraising and ten years leading her own consulting company to her work with you. Her seven years at the helm of local domestic violence agencies, two years of foundation work, seven years of direct fundraising and seven years leading her own consulting company have honed her skills.
Lisa Breen Strickland is Chief Principal of Strickland Strategies, a consulting firm that specializes in providing comprehensive coaching, executive and fund development strategies to nonprofits. Lisa brings her seven years at the helm of local domestic violence agencies, two years of foundation work, seven years of direct fundraising and ten years leading her own consulting company to her work with you.
At Strickland Strategies, we believe that there are always strengths to build upon – no matter what. Like the nautilus we believe in building on the chambers or foundation that is already there – and begin with helping all to find the grains of this strength on which we help you grow your mission.
Mother Teresa (yes, that Mother Teresa) purportedly said “Without money there is no mission." At Strickland Strategies we build on this, adding “everyone passionate about the mission of your organization is instrumental in drawing in donors to see that mission come to fruition.”
Interim Services: Keeping the Mission Moving
Executive & Board Work: Enhancing the Leadership Culture in Your Organization
C-Suite Transitions: From Panic and Dismay to Planning and Success
Coaching: Building on Your Skills, For Professional and Personal Success (and Your Organization Succeeds too!)
Fundraising Planning: Moving from Abhorrence to Action​
The Chambered Nautilus
A perfect image for evolution
In the cross section of the shell, you’ll notice the chambers that spiral around and around. As the creature matures, it outgrows it’s chamber and grows a new one to accommodate its slightly larger size. Similarly, in order to begin a new stage in our growth, we have to think outside the box.
Yet, every time we abandon an old worldview for a new and wider vision, we merely find ourselves in a larger box. And while each box serves its particular function for a time, we are always in danger of claiming the chamber we currently occupy as the ultimate one.
The spiral shape suggests that it can keep growing forever. There is no design for a final chamber. The creature cannot go back to previous ones – they no longer fit. It cannot stay in its present space or it will die. It must keep building new chambers as long as it lives. It has no choice but to move on, continually growing.